The Trans-Siberian Railway/ Транссиб. Поезд отправляется! на английском

  • Производитель:
  • Автор:
    Литвина Александра
  • Год издания:
  • Вес:
    1036 гр
  • Количество страниц:
  • Обложка:
  • ISBN:
  • Возраст:
    7-9, 10-12, взрослым
  • Переводчик:
    русский Бугаева Джейн
  • Жанр:
    научно-популярная литература
  • Иллюстратор:
    Десницкая Анна
  • Размер:
Есть в наличии
Подарочная упаковка

Заказывается дополнительно. Стоимость 150руб.

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Let the dream of the Trans-Siberian Railway come true. 9288 km ― about 1/4 of the equator in 7 days by train! 75 local storytellers! 36 cities and towns. Award-winning authors!

Stitching the patchwork of Russia, the Trans-Siberian Railway (or just the Trans-Sib for short) is the longest railway in the world. It has been connecting people, their lives, stories, and history for more than a century. For Russia and for the whole world, it is a complex symbol: tragic, romantic and heroic at once. This book unravels the railway through stories told by local people living along the Trans-Sib, allowing readers to immerse themselves in an iconic journey through everyday experiences. In the book you will also find information about regions and stations with some tips for travelers, as well as short historical notes and advice on how to organize your life on a train during a week-long journey. Even if you are not planning to embark on a real Trans-Sib train, you will enjoy this virtual dream tour.

Key selling points:

  • Figures, historical and geographical facts are complemented by stories of the real people living along the Trans-Siberian railway;

  • A unique experience: how does it feel to spend a week on a Russian train going from Moscow, at the border of Europe, to Vladivostok, at the border of China?

  • Gorgeous illustrations by one of the most famous modern Russian illustrators – Anna Desnitskaya;

  • The book is great for cross-generational family reading which makes it a very thoughtful gift. Contains a phrasebook with some popular Russian words and questions.


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